
Archive for July, 2021

I hate Youtube

Why you may ask? There are billions of reasons and they all want to tell me what to do, how to do and who to do it with, what to buy, when to buy, what not to buy and who to buy it from or not to buy it from, what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and what not to eat.

I’m tried of “experts” telling me what to do. I am fatigued to death by people whose only expertise is they have a camera and are fond of seeing themselves on it. I’m tired of other peoples opinions on every subject under the sun including how to defecate correctly et al.

I’m also tired of being lied to by every idiot who can take a selfie video. They lie, pontificate, abuse, distort, and deface. They don’t even live in the same reality most people do. They make pronouncements, dictate, threaten and demand that everyone do what they say, believe what they believe and think like they think.

I remember back in the 60’s and 70’s democrats said republicans were going to take over people’s lives. They wanted to be in your business, your home life, your finances, your bedroom…………………. TRANSFERENCE. Democrats have forced their way into your life (telling you who you can see, when you can see them and demanding you put poison into your body or you can’t do anything unless you do so), in your home life (they want children to rat out their parents if they don’t do what democrats say they should, they want doctors to rat you out as well). They are all over what you should be able to buy, from who, when, where and for how much. And they tell you what should go on in your bedroom so that you can be “inclusive ” in your sexual reality.

Worst of all liberals have now decided that they and ONLY they define reality. You are to THINK what they tell you to think, BELIEVE what they tell you to believe. If you disagree with some thing they say it’s “hate speech” or it’s unfactual, or flat out wrong.

Guess what, that all depends on your personal opinion and moral compass of which most liberals couldn’t find if they hired 100000000000 sherpas, 100000000000000000 St. Bernard’s, Google maps, and phone location system.

So, am I racist ……… No, the color of your skin doesn’t make you a jerk. Being a jerk makes you a jerk no matter what color, gender, age or ethnicity you are. If your color defines you……….you’re probably a racist no matter what color you are.

Am I homophobic …… No, I do not hate gays. I don’t hate anyone. I frankly don’t care enough about other people and their hobbies to give a gnomes hat. I also do not want to hear about their proclivities as I make it a rule not to discuss my sexual relationship with my spouse with anyone but him, as it is NO ONE ELSE’S BUSINESS.

Will I get the covid shot ………. (forgive the term but…) Hell no. Why would I put poison into my body that has a very good chance to make me sick with something worse than the virus ………… facial palsy, enlarged heart, shingles et al. Besides now they say it won’t work on the new and improved Delta virus (I wonder who we have to thank for this, the Chi-coms or the democrats in office -odds are even money). I also am not inclined to allow doctors working for the government or contractors for the government to make billions of dollars while they kill and maim us with their mendacious lies.

Then there is the government or coviderment as I like to refer to it. These people make me sick. If I had the unfortunate situation of being in their presence I would probably puke all over their Jimmie Chu’s and Gucci bags. If I had my way every one of them caught in a lie, in a compromising position, in flagrant dereliction of duty and or treasonous behavior would be arrested and encouraged to emigrate to a county of their own political flavor. The communists and or fascists to North Korea, China, Venezuela but as with Cuba some of these other countries are becoming tired of living in poverty and filth so they may not continue under the yoke of tyranny.

What I’m really tired of is the overwhelming, over arching, over reach of tech. Facebook, twitter, tic toc, linked in, insta gram et al. All designed to make people feel worse about themselves because they’re not as smart, thin, famous, talented, rich, (pick your designated adjective) as the next new “internet celebrity.

And speaking of celebrity, who decides that they’re smarter than the rest of us. They spend their lives engaging in heinous behavior on and off screen, disapation, alcoholism, drug abuse, spouse abuse, sexual misconduct and they want to claim the moral high ground. Let us not forget the Me too debacle was started by actresses who couldn’t get a job because they got too old but before that when they were working they didn’t think the abuse was bad enough to make a big deal about it. Funny that. Never mind the how the trivialization of rape has made it harder for women who didn’t put themselves in a position to have that happen to them, to be heard over all the mendacity.

I could go on but frankly I’m simply seriously grumpy due to life being a large flaming blivet through no fault of my own. The cause of tonight rant, the liars over at the CDC. They can take their masks and place them in a place where the sun doesn’t shine and the reader can decide where that place might be (a fridge, a closet, space, in their mouths or any other orifice that comes to mind) Thank you CDC and your companion tyrants in government and media for making the threat of dying not near as terrible as it would have been before you took over the world. I’ll bet you don’t have to wear a mask in heaven or hell.

That’s a win-win.

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