
Archive for January 10th, 2013


Well push has finally come to shove.  Our great leader, our wise omniscient overlord has finally gotten what he’s been after for 6 long years.  He has a reason, he believes to disarm the citizenry.  Obama has been after this since well before the election.  It’s not clear whether his motivation is benign or cancerous but it is clear that he has been planning this for years.  Fast and furious didn’t get him there.  Eric Holders incompetence didn’t make this happen. No, all it took was a boy with mental illness to push this debate over the top and into the land of alternate reality.  A reality where guns jump off the table or out of the gun safe and into the hands of mentally unstable people.

In the last several incidences the movie theater, the last several college shootings and yes the shooting in CT, the tragedy was precipitated by someone who should have been locked up.  They were a danger to themselves and society.  They did not buy their guns from reputable dealers, they either stole them or got them  illegally.  They could have used a knife or a bomb they learned how to make on the Internet.  The reason they were out and about can be laid at the door of the compassionate, alternate reality president Jimma’ Carter.  You remember Jimma’ right?  He’s the guy who runs around the world blaming every problem, every issue, every wrong thing ever done to anyone at America’s door.  He is the creator of the “Blame America World Tour.” I’d like to blame that on Obama but the truth is the truth. We are to Carter the “Great Satan”. If it had been closer to the Iranian Hostage Crisis I’d suggest “Stockholm Syndrome”.  He seems to have fallen in love with his abusers. Do we blame the people who have produced the tragedy? No. We blame the tool they used to do it.  Liberal thinking at it’s best.  They love to personalize and humanize all sorts of objects giving them “feelings” and human behavior.  Several generations have been fed the Disney pablum of animals with human emotions.  They’re animals not humans and while your dog seems to love you, stop feeding him and see how long he goes without attempting to eat you.

Why you might ask does our “Great Leader” want to disarm the populace?  Why does the idea of people with AR-15 bother him so?  For the same reason an armed citizenry bothered Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Chavez and Hitler.  When one is poised on the edge of the greatest power grab since, well ever, one must make sure the populace doesn’t have the means to fight back.  One also wants to make sure that the army, which is made up of good people, doesn’t have to make the decision between the elected officials and their fellow citizens.  It is questionable whether or not members of the armed forces would fire upon fellow citizens.  If however he can confiscate enough weapons from the legal owners only the police, military and criminals will have guns.  He will be declaring open season on America.  People will not be able to protect themselves against the government and it’s parasites.

Mario Cuomo governor of New York is having a hysterical fit. Of course he is, does anyone really know how many disturbed people are running around New York city? Legal or illegal? Armed or not armed yet? That someone hasn’t blown up any number of places, people or things is amazing.  I would humbly suggest to the governor that Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country,and last year they had 523 murders.  Banning guns only made sure that the criminals were the only ones packing and the police won’t respond to calls in certain areas of the city without a task force and heavy duty weaponry.  So we should turn the whole country into a gulag where the citizen get screwed on a daily basis by anyone with enough money or clout or criminality to purchase a firearm, illegally of course.  When guns are banned only criminals will have guns should be the new poster for travel to Chicago.  Quite the reputation for the “home” of the president.

Maybe just maybe we should address the problems, the causes of the tragedies.  Mental illness seems to be a running theme in these atrocities.  A mother who couldn’t commit her child, a person already spotlighted for his dangerous behavior and in therapy. Governor Cuomo is right about one thing no one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer. If you practice it should only take one shot to take down game. People aren’t afraid of bears governor,they’re afraid of fellow citizens.  They’re afraid of predators of the two legged variety.  They’re afraid of an overreaching, out of control government.  They’re afraid of illegals and ex-cons let out because of prison over crowding.  They’re afraid of people who seek to strip from us the rights and privileges guaranteed to us under the Constitution written by a people who knew up close and personal what kind of excesses an all powerful, distant and uncaring government can foist upon an unarmed populace.

So while America burns, Obama fiddles. He and his surrogates make impassioned pleas for sanity.  They paint the gun owner as someone one step from cracking up or acting out or killing us all in our beds.  It of course is the same song and dance they trot out every elections.  Republicans want to push grandma over a cliff, they want to starve children, they hate the poor, or this minority or that minority.  Scare tactics and misdirections so you won’t focus on their other hand.  Enough people apparently believe them because the WORST president in the history of the country was reelected. A man that if his skin were of a lighter hue would have been impeached or imprisoned already. A man who seeks to gut the constitution, enslave the citizens all in favor of his radical agenda and comrades.

It is odd that people who so dislike our system of government don’t move to places where the government is more to their liking.  Of course they wouldn’t be in positions of authority there.  They wouldn’t be able to grab the power from those in charge. Those kinds of governments would just have them removed, whether to another country or to a dirt nap is up for grabs. Here’s an interesting statistic; there are total of  2,221,502 individuals in the military, according to Wikipedia.  There are over 38,000,000 hunters as well. That doesn’t include those who have weapons just to have them or who have them for personal protection.  Sounds like a lot more folks are becoming gun owners as I write this. AR’s are flying off the shelves and ammunition is becoming scarce.  Here’s a clue.  Most sane gun owners have been stockpiling ammo for years.  They have seen where the country is going and want to be survivors after the troubles are over.

We don’t buy AR’s to protect us against animals Mr. Cuomo. We buy them to protect ourselves, our families and our property against the animals you and the nanny state have created. The animals that think it’s “fair” to take from those who produce and give to those who do not produce.  Who think that all they have to do is say “I want” and it becomes theirs.  The people who breed indiscriminately, rob, cheat and steal all in the name of “compensation” “fairness” and ” our turn”.  If you want to stop the violence you should start by figuring out why minorities are multiple times more likely to be raised in a single parent home or in a home where they are not fed or clothed appropriately. Where no one has held a full time job in generations, where having a new car is more important than feeding or clothing your children.  A home where the mother was not underage at the time of she gave birth to her first child and the father is not an adult who has committed statutory rape .  A home where children are encouraged to go to school, learn and grow so that they can make good choices.  A home where there are two sane, sober, parents making the hard choices that become the examples to their children of hard work, sacrifice and real love, not the coupling one sees on television and especially in the movies. A home with a mother and a father working in tandem to raise children to become  productive, sane and free of addiction (to drugs, to sex and to any thing that will hurt them and dull their opportunity to progress).

Maybe we should focus on the cause of the disease instead of suturing the cut on our finger, instead of operating on the body politic to remove the cancer that has been growing for multiple generation. Maybe we should stop making it impossible for one parent to remain at home and actually parent.  Maybe the government should stop spending money it won’t have for centuries and go back to paying as we go.  Maybe we should stop being out of touch, greedy and afraid.  Maybe we should look at the problems facing us today and stop trying to distract and shift blame onto someone or especially some inanimate object that needs someone to operate it.  Perhaps the government should pare down expenses and turn many of these problems back to the states.  But you see Obama and Co. can’t do that because this isn’t about legality or safety . This is about power and control, who has it, who wants it and what are they going to do to get it and keep it.  Obama’s next step after an unarmed citizenry is to throw out the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution and make himself president for life.  After all while 8 years may be long enough  to make the sweeping reforms he’s promised, it’s not enough time to “fundamentally change America”………………into the fascist, socialist utopia he promised, with those who produce producing and those who take taking. What could be more compassionate, more fair and more just?

Don’t forget your heard it  here first.

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